
Find out about innovative partnerships and initiatives supporting South Australians to develop healthy attitudes to gambling.

Here For The Game

Learn about how exciting new partnerships with sporting organisations will break the normalisation of sports and gambling.


Gambling Harm Action Week

Each year, a dedicated week is held to educate and generate greater awareness of gambling harm in the community.


Community of Practice

Each year, a dedicated week is held to educate and generate greater awareness of gambling harm in the community.


Research Opportunities

We are encouraging researchers to apply for funding for small research projects exploring ways to prevent and minimise gambling harm in South Australia.


Let's change the conversation

Let's change the conversation

Man looking out a window


Allied Sector Education

We have developed a suite of resources to educate allied sector professionals about gambling harm.


Spot the Harm. Stop the Harm.

Our goal is to help raise awareness of gambling harm and create positive change for the South Australian community.


Do you need help right now?

1800 858 858

Free. Confidential. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.