If someone in your life — a partner, child, friend, workmate — is gambling at risky levels, you might try to help them. Having a conversation with them about their gambling is usually their first step and you can make it easier on them and yourself by doing some preparation. We can help you with this conversation.
You are probably feeling the effect of their gambling harm in your life. It’s important you look after yourself as well as the person gambling. Free and confidential support is available to both of you, and we can help you access it.
Worried about someone?
Are you seeing signs of gambling harm in a family member or friend? Find out how you can help.

Start the conversation
Some people recognise their gambling is harmful by themselves, but others don't realise it until family and friends step in. Hearing from others can be an important first step.

Support for you
By understanding your situtation, keeping yourself safe and healthy, you're in the best position to support your family member or friend deal with gambling harm.