Why people gamble

People gamble for many reasons, including for entertainment, because they think they can make money and as a distraction from problems in their life. Having a win can be exciting and make people feel good and so they continue to gamble to get that feeling again. Some people are able to gamble at a level which doesn’t disrupt their life, but for others this is a real struggle. Thinking about why you gamble can help you deal with or avoid the things in your life that trigger the urge to gamble.

Why do I gamble?

Being aware of why you gamble can help you identify the triggers that make you want to gamble and how to you can avoid them.


Beliefs and attitudes

Our gambling is influenced by beliefs and perceptions more than we realise.


Am I spending too much?

How much do you really spend on gambling? Find out how much of your money goes on gambling and what you could be spending it on instead.


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