Many South Australians participate in some form of gambling for entertainment, but for some people it can lead to harm to themselves and the people around them. People from all walks of life can find their gambling harming their finances, relationships and health. Young people can be especially attracted to online and sports gambling which can cause problems for them. Many people have false beliefs about gambling which encourage them to keep going – that their machine is due for a win or if they keep going their luck will change. Understanding how different forms of gambling work, the probability of winning and that most are games of chance, can help people change their gambling.
Gambling harm
Find out what gambling harm is and how it can affect you, your family and friends, your community and young people.

Why people gamble
Thinking about why you gamble can help you deal with or aviod the things in your life that trigger the urge to gamble.

Gambling facts and myths
The aim of gambling is to win money but what are the true odds of winning?

Emerging issues
Find out about the impact of gambling going online and other emerging issues.