25 Oct 2024

In 2024, we're changing the conversation around gambling harm.
When talking about the impact of gambling on a person there is evidence that referring to them as a ‘problem gambler’ inhibits help seeking, implies that the person is the problem and implies that change is not possible. Language can make gambling harm seem like an individual issue, ignoring its impacts on intimate partners, family, social networks, and the community. That's why this year, the theme of GHAW is 'Let's change the conversation'. GHAW 2024 brings forth a number of positive changes and exciting activities which we are thrilled to share with you:
It's time for ACTION!
Committing to walking to the walk and not just talking the talk, the first of many activities we are undertaking this year is changing the name of Gambling Harm Awareness Week to Gambling Harm Action Week. This important change signals to the community that we are committed to educating the community on all facets of gambling harm. We are also the first in Australia to adopt the new name (which we think is kind of special!).
Your words matter!
We have developed a series of short videos featuring the people with a lived experience of gambling harm. These videos will be part of a digital campaign that aims to highlights the way certain language affected these individuals and prevented them from seeking help.
Speak up!
The public release of a modernised and practical language guide for media, professionals and the community, aimed at encouraging more effective conversations about gambling harm. The guide provides simple yet powerful alternative language tips to help reduce the stigma that too often prevents people from seeking help.
New kid on the block!
The Office for Problem Gambling will changing it’s name to Gambling Harm Support SA. This marks a significant step in reframing gambling issues as matters of health and wellbeing for the whole community, rather than individual or personal failure. We aim to be a source of information for anyone affected by gambling harm in South Australia.
To learn more about these changes and activities , visit 'Let's change the conversation'.