Support options

Face-to-face counselling

You can access Gambling Help Services across metropolitan and country South Australia. If you’d prefer to go outside your area, you can access any service across the state.

The goal of all Gambling Help Services is to support people to change their gambling behaviour and deal with related problems such as financial and relationship difficulties, health and legal issues..

Gambling Help Services are free and confidential. The counsellors are trained and experienced in dealing with people with gambling issues and they are friendly and non-judgemental. They understand the importance of privacy, confidentiality and that you are making a big step in seeking help.

What can you expect from a Gambling Help Service?

  • free services for as long as you need.
  • professional counselling and support for you, your family and friends in a safe and non-judgmental environment.
  • financial counselling if you need help dealing with debts and credit issues. Find out more about financial counselling.
  • free take-home resources with facts about gambling and practical tips and strategies to change gambling behaviour.
  • interpreting services so people who speak languages other than English can access counselling.
  • referrals to other services such as mental health, legal and drug and alcohol.

Family and friends can also access this service for support and to learn more about how to help someone struggling with their gambling behaviour.

Find a Gambling Help Service near you

Page last updated 20 November 2024